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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Oh no.

5 days without physical contact with the outside world. It would kill me... Even the 2 days of weekend every week is torturous, then now they give us the stupid E-revision thing.

5 days?! I rather spend my time in school trying to figure out formulas and nonsense than stay at home doing nothing except work and work and more work... I won't be able to see any of my friends, only can chat...

Why is life like that? Face it, Singapore's education system is stupid. To the British and American and other country students, Exams and tests are merely a way of finding out how much the student has progressed. In Singapore, however, exams and test are either:

1. A mental challenge the student must overcome to prevent his/her parents outbursts of temperemental energy... OR

2. A sadistic way for teachers to punish the student by making him/her get low marks and get punished by the parents.

Reason number 2 is actually more for surprise test kind...

Oh then, there are report cards and progress reports. The comments that the teacher writes in them can affect the student's holidays totally...

The newspapers stated yesterday that from this year onwards, all the Report cards will not just state the academic crap, but will also contain the "other factors that affect the students' overall development"...

That's like, the best thing i ever heard about our education system.

Anyway, today was quite a happy day for me.

Think about it, do you think students like it when they are told on the day itself that they have a Physics remedial in the afternoon? correct answer? NO.

But somehow, I do. I suppose it's the longing to stay in school.

Eh, wait, no, it's actually the "not wanting to go home" thing... The only time i will ever like being at home is after the exams, but even then I will only go back when it is late already, or something like that. The only thing of worth there is the Computer and my bed.

Oh, today I had a Geography test. It was just MCQ so i figured that i could maybe get a pass... hahaha, then Zhixin was like, over enthusiastic to walk up to the sec 2 level. He made me follow him.

Not that i didn't want to go upstairs, of course... Hahahaa

Right, then when i walked past Flo's class first time they having chinese or some lesson that looked like chinese... The WHOLE class was staring at me can? hahaha, as if i'm so popular... I waved to Flo(why she looked so blur?), and walked on.

Actually those last 3 words were not neccessary, because obviously I would have walked on.

Then after Geog, the whole class walked the long way back to class, like we normally do after Geog. Then... THERE! the whole class staring at me again!

Oh man.... hahaha... yup, waved again, walked on again. haha, I can't bear the thought of not seeing her again for 5 days...

Like I said above, 2 days is already torture, and now 5 days?!?! Without my handphone?!?!

I'm dying of loneliness and boredom, help me please, someone...


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