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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Holy crap, it's 15 days to SYF.

Ok, don't panic. Even though I still have a section to work, even though I have 2 unequal marimba rollers, even though I have the lousy pulsing to work on, even though I have the stupid 3 hemi-demi-semiquaver A to D timpani transition at bar 227 to work on. DON'T PANIC.

I need time for sectionals. And there's band practice almost everyday. I need just about 5 hours for sectionals. thats all.

To the majors: Ask the other sections to get out for sectionals. If WE move, we're not gonna start sectionals until a good 45 minutes later. Not that we're able to, anyway. So ask the others to move.

we'll stay anyway, even if u ask us to move.

yeah. And to my wunderful POTs. It's not too late to panic you know...

No, you shouldn't panic. But you shouldn't get too big headed and think your part is perfect too... there're many parts.

I'm going to implode into both pieces next week. Every part is going to be perfect by the following week and then we'll work on the rubato styling then. And by the SYF day, it's gonna be DA BEST!

yesyes??? yes.. YES!!


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