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Monday, September 04, 2006

Got this from Florence the Flute player. hahaaha Don't know if I've done it before, but what the hell anyway.

Name: Marcus

Name someone with the same birthday as you: One of my previous tkd instructors. Forgot the name

Last thing you ate: Chicken Rice from the stall behind my house.

For or against same sex marriage: As long as it's not me, I don't really give a damn.

I say Shotgun! You say: BANG!

Do you believe in God: Maybe, I'm not too sure, myself.

Ever lived outside of the US: All my life except when I was on holiday to LA and Las Vegas

Name something you like physically about yourself: Hands and nails.

Something non-physical you like about yourself: hmm, my ability to play music.

What is your dad's name: Henry. Thanks to Mr Eddie Tan probably half the world knows this already.

Who made you angry today? Nobody. Not yet, anyway.

Favorite type of Food: Western and Chicken rice and basically anything nice.

Do you download music: Hmmm.

Would you date the person who posted this? NO. Please, it's Florence the Dramatic blur Queen.

Has anyone ever sang or played a song for you personally: YA, my bro play Power Rangers Theme Song on the com for me to hear personally.

Do you love anyone?: Everyone has to love somebody.

Do you like Bush?: No comment.

Have you ever bungee jumped: Someday... someday...

How much money ya got?: Not much.

Have you met a real redneck: Nope.

How is the weather right now: Too Hot.

What band are you listening to right now: The one that played the recording of Mononoke Hime Medley in my laptop.

What is your current fav song?: Too many.

Do you wear contacts: Nope, Lazy to clean.

Where was the last place you went besides yourhouse? Food Court behind my house.

What are you afraid of?: Hmmm.. I'm not very sure. Afraid of being shocked, I suppose.

How many piercings and tattoo's do you have?: NONE. WTH.

How many pets do you have: None. Used to have a dog though.

Have you ever loved someone: DUH. Eh, wasn't this question above as well?

What turns you on? Hmmm. I'm not very sure.

What do you usually order from Starbucks: I don't usually go there anyway.

Have you ever fired a gun: Fired an Air Rifle for two years.

What really bugs you? People who prevent the group from progressing so they can take their time.

Fave TV show?: LOST. It's the only thing I watch.

Do you have an mp3?: Nope.

Do you find yourself loved?: Yeah. Family and Friends around.

Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?: Yeah I drank cold water when I had asthma. hahaha. Mum smacked my ass for days.

Butter, plain, or salted popcorn: Plain popcorn with Salted Butter on it.

Do you like MTV: No Cable... Sad.

Do you like Michael Jackson? He has skill but he looks abit weird.

Whats your favorite scent? I never compared.

Favorite cereal: Erm... Kokocrunch? I dunno.

Do you drive: Not yet.

What's the longest time you've gone without sleep? I think about 48 hours.

Where is the weirdest place you have slept?: Ping Pong table outside The Den. No more place to sleep without curling up. hahaha

Yeah that's it. good night all. Nothing to blog about. It's a boring day with tkd later and the three girls are mugging hard for their prelims and Os and all the other friends are either mugging for promos or working or just playing maple and refusing to go out and so I'm bored at home and I have tkd later so good bye people.


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