free hit counter script

Monday, November 20, 2006

Got this from Val's blog.

1. My friends...
are pillars in my life.

2. I am listening to...
nothing but the keys of the keyboard, cos it's silent here in the library.

3. Maybe I should...
ask and find out things that I still don't know.

4. I love...
my family, friends and music

5. My plan...
to get a 3.9 GPA seems quite far-fetched now.

6. I don't understand...

7. I lost...
precious time.

8. People say...
I'm short. HAHAHAHA this was Val's answer as well.

9. I'm missing...
someone, something, someplace, sometime(you can add in your own some-)

10. Love means...
Love. There's no other word for it.

11. Somewhere, someone is...
in the library, filling out a quiz on his blog....

12. I'm always...
a boy. This is the only safe answer I could put.

13. Forever seems...
quite near.

14. I never want to...
live life without emotions.

15. My mobile phone...
is a Nokia 6170. Old phone...

16. When I wake up in the morning...
I open my eyes. Sometimes. hahahahaha.

17. I get annoyed when...
people disturb me non-stop when I'm practicing.

18. Parties are...
not really for me.

19. My cat is...
somewhere looking to my left side.... hahaha. I don't have a cat actually.

20. Hug and kisses...
are a very good way of showing that you care and love someone.

21. Today I...
woke up. HELLO IT'S 9AM.

22. Tomorrow I will...
wake up.

23. I really want...
there're 4 things I really want right now, which one?

24. I...
am going for a lecture after this.



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