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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Why does life deal such unexpected blows every now and then?

So many things has happened in the short span of time since friday. Friday was quite a day, with all the typical last minute touch-ups to the HnT project. Then met Mel at TM then went back to change and went to training.

Then after training at night, or rather, in the early morning, Mel passed me some unpleasant news which she heard from Jes. Quite sad.

To Jesalyn and Family and Extended Family: My deepest condolences to you. I know how it feels to lose someone you've known all your life.

Such a sad day...
And I came down with a fever yesterday(Saturday). Practically was in bed till 4pm, then I went to meet Mel at TJC market to have dinner, then we went to the wake. We didn't know what to do there also. Offered incense and all that, and we left at around 8.45pm.

Went home and went right to bed. My head was beginning to spin by then already.

And guess what. My house had a power failure at around 6.30am this morning. And thus my aircon couldn't work, and I was beginning to heat up all over again. So I took my handphone (it was the only light-emitting device around) and went down to the switchboard and flipped the switch back up. Almost fell down the staircase cos I was moving in a fashion similar to what it feels like in a dream.

Yeah, so after that I went up and went right to bed again. Head was really groggy already.

Then I woke up at 9am and studied a bit of HnT(test tomorrow). Then came downstairs and now I'm blogging. Later going to Tampines Starbucks to discuss HnT presentation with the group.

Being sick sucks.

Being sick and seeing others being sad sucks worse.


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