Thursday, November 25, 2004
So little time. So many changes. So little people. So many responsibilities. So little foundation. So many problems. So little enthusiasm. So many needs. So little framework. So many weaknesses.
I'm getting stupider by the day. And somehow, don't ask me how or why, but I've started bringing myself down lately. Calling myself stupid, closing one eye when my section is making too much noise, trying with less confidence than before.
I honestly don't know. But I'm sure as hell not going to use that attitude towards OFFSTAGE. Maybe I could use it for School next year....
To teachers who read this: No la, just joking.
To other people: Leave it at that.
So... today band practice was so surprising. We played pieces that we will be doing for OFFSTAGE but which were planned last minute. I think everyone got a shock when Mr Glosz said Selections From Tarzan instead of Tarzan Soundtrack Highlights. I mean, we planned to use the latter for OFFSTAGE, but now, 13 days from the concert, it's a last minute change. But it's not so bad la, considering we've did this piece before, all the way since last year. Hercules also.
So, these are the final songs I think.
1. Ross Roy
2. Selections from "The Merry Widow"
3. Loch Lomond
4. Legends and Heroes
5. Selections from "Tarzan"
6. On the Village Green
7. Cartoon Express
8. Light Calvary Overture
9. Disco Lives!
10. Latin Celebration
and the Ensemble pieces should remain the same la.
11. Overture for Woodwinds-- Woodwind Ensemble(DUH)
12. Jubilee-- Brass Ensemble
13. March to the Scaffold-- Percussion Ensemble
That's it, not counting the Alumni Band's two pieces, which are really nice, and one of which is jazz. Cool or what?
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Can anyone remember my nick with all the OFFSTAGE songs in it? Cos my mum used my account to chat with my sis overseas and she anyhow went and change my nick. Without telling me.
Crap. So now I'm left with an empty space there. So anyone who remembers it Please tell me.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
XingWen is becoming a gaming freak. You hear that, XingWen? FREAK!
hahaha, no lah just joking. But seriously arh, he went to play CS for the first time, came all the way to my house to play Harry Potter, and now he's asking around for the PC CD-ROM.
What the heck, another ME.
haha, OKOK.
I'm becoming so lame, I could catch up with my brother, if his Os weren't ending so early.
ok, i'm done.
Monday, November 15, 2004
I'm getting sick.
The performance at TM yesterday and the day before was illuminating. It opened my eyes to the real world, where musicians never care a hoot about the faithful stand that held their scores during the performance. Neither do they care about what happens to their instrument once they hear that other's are riding a TRUCK back to school.
Anyway, the event was very fun too. While walking around the stalls during our break, I was recalling this time last year when I was doing exactly what they were. Running around, searching for familliar faces, persuading people to visit our stall etc.
People who show too much energy to waste on this kind of endless selling of stuff: Eugene(the egnaro guy), Michelle(the LUST one), and this other girl from the T-SHIRT WITH NAME stall.
They are much too enthusiastic already. It's good in a way lah, but imagine people coming right up to you at mac's while u are having a chat with your friends, and telling a long story of how patethic the business is, and then trying to sell volcano stuff for a price no student can easily fork out.
Anyway, the performance was great the first day, many thanks to Hakim for being there to help out on our missing parts. The second day was not there, considering the fact that there was only me and Joel the "great fat lump" in the section. The both of us were already tired out from the previous day, but we still did our best, and now I'm sick, headache and all.
During the breaks at TM, Russel, Melissa, Jiaxin and me were constantly challenging each other to that air hockey game at the arcade. We, Russel and me, against the 2 girls. And they beat us can... paiseh arh!! And Russel beat me down at the soccer game! hahaha.... Then we both played Daytona against Melissa and Rui Qi. I was at the end in first place and then stupid Melissa swerved in front of me and push me to second. ARGH!! @#**#^$%!!!
Haha, I was so tired when i got home that day at about 9.15. But count myself lucky, the entrepreneurs only finished at around 11. And Flo only got home at around midnight. Poor thing.
Right, I'm sick, and there are so many freaking events coming up.
Saturday, 20th november- Sentosa Fountain of Youth Performance
Monday, 22nd to 24th November- PSL camp! Everybody muz go arh!
Saturday, 27th to 28th November- Darren's birthday party.
Monday, 1st to 3rd December- Band Camp!
Yeah, that's about it for the timetable.
Oh, and this post too.
Friday, November 12, 2004
On tuesday, we had our ONLY practice for Saturday's and Sunday's performance.
It really sucks having dumb teachers-in-charge who think having a performance is no big deal. To them, it's a simple matter of knowing what pieces we are playing, knowing the notes, the fingerings, the rhythms, and knowing where to sit at the performance venue.
To hell with them.
Anyway, yesterday we went to Tallie's house to watch the LOTR trilogy marathon. We as in Fang Lu, Mayves, Jessica, Florence(the Flautist), the SFW clarinetist(i still forgot his name), and me(duh). The event was more of a gathering than a marathon, considering the fact that we didn't run at all.
Funny and stupid happenings occured at Tallie's house:
-Fang Lu fell off the stool at least 4 times.
-Her hair got messed up by Mayves until she looked like an Ah Lian from the streets.
-I lost in RISK to Jessica and Mayves, so paiseh can. Females Beating Males in war. OMG.
-Actually i didn't lose thanks to Tallie's mum, who got dinner ready so we had to keep the game.
-Florence(the Flautist) was complaining the whole while that the aircon wasn't working.
Oh, and thanks a lot to Tallie and her parents for their hospitality, and sorry for messing the whole place up.
haha. yeah, very fun there, and we left so darn late, around 10. Tallie's parents were so concerned about the girls walking around late at night. Then stupid Fang Lu was making comments about me like free liddat.
Anyway, that's about it for yesterday.
Today's problem is the teachers. STUPID IDIOTS!!!! U want a good performance tomorrow or not?!?!?!
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
It's really been long since my last post. The plug to Mal's blog doesn't count.
Ok. I just wanted to blog again, but now that I'm back here, I dun really feel like blogging.
ohkaaaaayy. I'll try anyway.
Holidays. Gotten, and yet unwanted. I have no idea why, but it seems to me that I would rather have the school days here. The breakfast gang, the lazing in class, even the walking to class after flag-raising is memorable. I miss school.
Oh, and somehow I also cannot wait for our school's home-room to be implemented. I feel that it will be a very fun experience.
It's odd enough, but my batch of students have been either the newest to a project, or the most senior in the school to enjoy a new implementation of a project. These new stuffs made my batch the "Experiment" batch, something for the school to test out new ideas. As a result, our grades deprove like mad.
See, when my batch was sec 1, there was the NDP 2002. This totally ruined our Secondary school education foundation.
Then, this year, my batch was the first batch to haf almost every student taking 8 subjects. Meaning everyone had to take either Biology or a core Humanities subject. This lowered the standard of our already failing education.
Then, next year, the home room system is most probably going to affect the way of school life we sec 4s have gotten used to after 3 long years, drastically.
So, there u have it, my post for today.
Eh no. It's the post for today and 2 weeks in advance. I most probably won't be blogging much.