Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Urhhh...... Last one ah, then no more. period(the I-mean-it sense, not the Girl sense).
[3 people you talk to online?]
1. Chuan
2. Val
3. Tallie
[4 people u see in school]
4. Emily
5. Tallie
6. Chuan
7. Val
[2 teachers]
8. Mr Tan K C
9. Patsy Neo
[3 people you love going out with]
10. Emily
11. Chuan and Val(count this as one will ya?)
12. Tallie
[3 people in your sms inbox]
13. Sandra
14. Dewi
15. Jie Jie
[what do u think on no. 4?]
Sweetest girl in the world.
[how would u feel if no. 4 slaps ur face?]
I'll go jump down. haha.
[how would u rate no. 5?]
Rate? er... M for Mature? Oh Make that PG for certain violent scenes.
[if no. 8 meets with an accident, what wud you do?]
Go visit him in hospital with the class.
[what sport would u play wif no. 12?]
Er... Red Alert 2? I don't think she's into sports.
[do u hate no. 9?]
Used to in early Sec 3.
[will 13 and 7 make a good couple?]
Sandra and Val?? No way, unless you wanna deem it UNNATURAL
[will 14 kill you one day?]
She almost did once so I think it's possible. haha.
[who do you like more? 3 or 10?]
[5 more people to do this quiz!]
1. Emily
2. Tallie
3. Chuan
4. Val
5. Florence
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I got "tagged" by Fay to do this friggin random-facts-about-myself thing. So, here goes.
5 Random Facts about myself-
2: I don't like seafood. Not even fish.
UNLESS!! It's japanese like raw salmon.
3: I love Music(ok who doesn't know this already, please go and jump down.)
4: I'm terribly terrible at relationships.
5: I just pulled out 5 teeth.
ok, so now I've gotta "tag" 5 people to state 5 things about themselves and to "tag" 5 people to state 5 things about themselves and to "tag" 5 other people to....
Right. Only Val, Tallie and Florence have blogs so I guess only they will do it. And Chuan, Em and Tallie don't read my blog.
Oh well. Goodnight everybody.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Right, I kept a journal during the trip, so please excuse me if it sounds too present-tense-ish.
Day 1-
WooHOO, it's Osaka!! Cold arh.... About 6 degrees when we landed, gonna go close to zero at night.
Ueda(my mum's colleague, based in Japan) and his wife are sooo hospitable. VERY. Treated us very well and their house is NICE NICE NICE. The room they put us up in is like those traditional Japanese rooms. The low low table, square cushions, bamboo mats and all.

Nice right. Simple culture and nothing else. The only thing modern in there were the lamps and the heater.
Ueda's cat is very very playful, keep searching my bag like got food inside liddat. And speaking of food, I LOVE JAPANESE FOOD!!! But some cannot bite lah, teeth pain. Ueda and his wife can cook very well, and they gave us a very nice and sumptous dinner. It consisted of Sushi and this Japanese pancakes(I forgot the Japanese Name), which is actually some sort of teppenyaki-ed coleslaw. You bung all the coleslaw on the teppenyaki plate and compress it into some pancake looking thing, then you put meat on top, flip and wait, flip and wait. After it's done you pour 3 different types of sauces on top and then you cut it up and eat!!
Shiok right. Looks like small pizza. But it's very healthy lah. Haha, after everything we went to sit at the living room area and chatted for about an hour, then went to bathe and went to sleep.
Day 2-
This morning Ueda and his wife made this "Traditional Japanese Breakfast" for us. There was salmon and this egg roll thingy, rice and MISO SOUP!!
After the meal we walked to the Osaka Castle. It was HUGE!! Inside all about the History of some dynasty.
Then we went back to Ueda's house and packed to leave for the Miyako hotel down the road.
Check-in went all well and we went to our room. Really 4-star man. I think the service sector here gets mroe well paid than other jobs. My mum said their necks must be very strong because they spend half their live's bowing.
Left for NARA, which is 50 minutes train ride away.
Oh by the way, those so-called "Japanese Foods" in Singapore? They're NOTHING compared to the fare there. Really nice nice nice food.
I know this looks a little mucky here, but it really is very very nice. A little hard to manage the rice with chopsticks though, keeps slipping.
After that went back to the hotel and bathed and prepare to sleep lor. There was this music channel on TV showing this American Orchestra playing with this Japanese Female Violinist. Reminded me of what Zat said about japanese musicians. Whole body move like waves out at sea. She could have dropped off the stage and she wouldn't have noticed. Haha, she looked like her face could be stretched into weird proportions. haha.
Then came this German Philharmonics I think. Played Beethoven all the way. Like pure Beethoven Concert liddat. haha. The Conductor looked like Mr Glosz. haha. As in the conducting style. Watched for about 3 hours then went off to sleep.
Day 3-
Went to Kyoto. FRIGGIN COLD PLACE. Snowing summore. Then my hair kena frozen until cannot put back down. Standing up like at passing out parade liddat. Shopped around there and finally went back. VERY COLD....
Day 3-
Today nothing much to talk about. We walked around Osaka and shopped. Went into this 100Yen Shop(like our $1 Shop). I finished shopping in about 30 minutes(the shop was as big as shop n save), but I had to wait another 1 hour and a half because my dear mother simply HAD to buy everything the shop had to offer.
In the end she found everything she "needed", totalling about 3 huge Carrefour bags. Guess who had to carry the stuff?...
Made it back to the Hotel and spent the rest of the afternoon there.
Day 4-
Waked up and rushed all the way through breakfast, packing, check out at Hotel, check in at airport, Boarding....
Ok wait. Did I brush My teeth?
Oh well.
Rushed through everthing and finally got to the gate.
1 hour and 10 minutes EARLY.
Yeah, so we waited at the benches there and played "You're on Candid Camera(Obliviously)". I took my mum picture secretly about 3 times before she realised the "lightning" was coming from my Cam's flash. Then she also started taking my photo and vice versa, until we both ran out of memory card space. Then faster take each other's camera and delete all the unglam photos.
Haha, finally got to board the plane. Watched 7 swords, Madagascar, Kung Fu Mahjong, and Ah Sou.
The last one sounds like some ah lian show actually is a very touching show about this girl who takes over her triad boss father's business. Very touching.
Finally touched down. Met my Family and all, went home, had dinner, came up, switched on the computer,
And here I am writing this "quite-long" Journal of my trip to Osaka. It was FUN FUN FUN.
For me, at least.
Good Night.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
I'm at changi airport people!! Hahaha, this Iconnect keyboard is so hard to use, really unlike my house keyboard. Not used to it.
By the way, in case you still don't know, I'm going to osaka for about 4 days. Then it's back to Singapore and the exotic food. haha.
A few messages out to some people:
My clique - MUST GO ICE SKATING AH! 24th, time ask Karen. MUST GO!!!! Long time haven't see all your faces, almost forgot what you all look like already.
Sec 1 and sec 2 percs - HAVE FUN with morning noon and night in vienna!!
I'm going to Osaka, but I won't be able to try all the yummy Japanese FOod.... Because my teeth hurt and there's this stupid blue rubber bands. 8 of them. Pain until like dunno what.
Will miss everyone here in Singapore.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Anyway, seniors in band, Go for the Dinner leh, like so little people going.
Band resumes on the 27th. hahaha. Then they're gonna prepare for all their funny performances at stupid places like east coast park. haha. That's what I heard lah.
ANSLEY! How to pay you for the dinner if you don't tell me what time and place to meet?!?!
The hols are getting boring................................................................................................................
Especially for sec 4s.
I LOVE SCHOOL!! haha, Temasek Secondary only lah.
Nothing to write about also. Goodbye.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Of being alone with my Ahma, that is. My family's coming back from Italy tomorrow morning, and then I'm off to NDC to pull out a total of 5 teeth. Under General anaesthetic. just great yea?
Anyway, I read somewhere that people have died under the influence of anaesthetic. That's freaky. But I guess I will alright. Duh.
Paragon Performance on Friday!!! Everybody must go!!
Oh wells, Surgery is at 9am tomorrow. I've waited 4 years to put braces, you know.
Gdnight everyone.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I think it's too abstract already. Message to Mr Glosz: I think you should get another song.
But whatever lah, here's a list of my recommended "TWE can and should play" songs.
-Pilatus, Mountain of Dragons by Steven Rieneke(thx to Eugene for teaching me the proper pronounciation.
-Fate of the Gods By Steven Rieneke
(Don't even think Defying gravity)
-Omisoka by Itaru Sakai
-Seagate Overture by James Swearingen
-Festive Overture by Dmitri Shostakovich (this is one hard piece of shit)
-Jubilee Overture by Phillip Sparke
Yeah, should at least try them out.
Or how about The Magic Flute Overture? Then the soloist can play the spooky solo with the same charactheristics. Hahah, I'm sooooo mean.
Yeah, top choice I would reccomend for TWE is OMISOKA of course. Haha, the tune sooo like Waltz from Swan Lake.
anyway, bye peeps.
Friday, December 02, 2005
I just don't know what to do these days, everything's so boring and everyone's working or one holiday. The only solace i get is through band.
Some of the seniors asked me before what makes me want to return(note the "want"). I simply tell them cos it's my life. Was, is, and will always be.
The band was asked this by Zat on the last day of the camp. I believe Eugene has blogged about it too. Your words too famous lah Zat. haha.
Anyway, I find this statement very true. Some people might never get to understand why music can have such an influence on people's life. I never did in the past, until I joined band. In the beginning, my only purpose for joining band was because of the drumset(I believe many percussionists held that thought too). However, the true meaning of being in the band hit me when I played my first solo on timpani.
They feeling of playing for the rest of the members hit me at that point. A true player never plays the music for himself alone. He plays it for the rest to coordinate with him and for them to play for him to coordinate with them, and for the whole lot of them to play for the sole purpose of music.
Music is labelled as "The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre." courtesy of www.dictionary.com. Too true.
However, every time I step back into the band room, I see unwillingness, unpreparedness, and the preference of reading stuffs other than their scores. It is the music that bonds us, not fake smiles and greetings. The joy of working together in a band, not a team, but a band, is hardly getting to any outside a few groups of people.
I arranged an ensemble for my section, not out of boredom or pressure. It was out of the anticipation an joy of seeing the work come to life as real sounds to be heard and not imagined.
Why can't many in the band see it? why?
Okay. Enough about that.
I've been intoxicated. By it. By the very thing which cannot be seen, heard, smelt, tasted nor touched, but can be felt by many humans.
Some messages out to some random people:
Val- I want tomyum arh!
Sandra- My potatoes please..
Joel- Ask for a bloody pay rise lah, then can get your $2000.
Galvin- I'll try and find the form as soon as possible.
My dear Clique people- When can we find the time to get out and do something again?! I'm freakin bored at home!
haha. Bye people.