Sunday, July 30, 2006
7 Random Facts About Me
1. I like HCDE.
2. I cannot speak Chinese fluently.
3. I LOVE MUSIC! hahaha
4. Taurean
5. I love rainy days. It helps me relax when I practice.
6. I hardly listen to songs which have Lyrics, apart from Chorales.
7. I wish i could be Taller. haiz.
7 Things That Scare Me
1. Failing my Poly Dip.
2. Wrist/Hand/Arm injuries.
3. Girls crying because of something I did.
4. Being unable to play music ever again.
5. Erm...
6. Erm...
7. The dark, some times, when I've got a lot on my mind.
7 Random Music At The Moment
1. Suite on Celtic Folk songs by Tomohiro Tatebe
2. Elisabeth by Johann De Meij
3. Fellowship of the Ring Suite by Howard Shore
4. Jupiter from "The Planets" Suite by Gustav Holst
5. William Tell Overture by Rossini
6. Overture to "Candide" by Leonard Bernstein
7. Armenian Dances (The entire thing)
7 Things I Like The Most
1. Playing music.
2. Laughing.
3. Chatting with Friends.
4. My Friends
5. My Display pic
6. Living.
7. Ice Lemon Tea
7 Things I Say The Most
2. Thanks ah.
3. Right.
5. Wah.
6. What The Heck.
7. Fine.
7 People I Wanna See Do This
The weekend's been boring. Firstly, on friday night I wasn't sure whether Jes wanted to meet me on the saturday after that or next saturday. Apparently one of her friends heard abt our playing that bishii bashii champ game and wanted to challenge me. hahaha WTH. haha
Anyway, Mel told me to sms Jes and ask, at... midnight? yeah So I suppose Jes must have been sleeping already that sleepyhead, cos she didn't reply till morning. Then it became me who was the sleepyhead, I slept till ard 11.30am. hahaah. Yeah so Jes said it was NEXT SATURDAY. So, ok. Saturday nothing to do, slack at home practice whole day.
Today. Sunday. Was waiting to go to Talz house for practice. So was waiting eagerly and all. We were supposed to meet at 3pm. Then at 2.30pm suddenly Chuan Li asked me online, EH YOU GOT TALLIE'S MSG NOT. Then just at that moment my fone got that darned message saying that she was held up at her aunt's and couldn't make it back home in time so next week.
Hahaha so Sunday has become another boring slack-at-home-practice-violin day. And now I'm so bored that I actually came back to this page and blogged. Haha I should find better things to do. Maybe I should start watching channel 8 and channel U dramas like Jes. hahahahaha. Then next time u see me can speak chinese already. HAHAHA.
So. Didn't go for training on Friday, wrist injured. How to play violin? hahah can lah only abit pain when I put my hand down to flip a page or something.
Apart from that. I have nothing to blog about. So here's just some filler. Some of you may have heard me mention some of the statements sometime ago.
Life is:
- Like a Candle that burns in a vacuum.
- Like Ice Lemon Tea.
- Spontaenous.
- One huge Drama.
- Like an Oreo Biscuit.
- A huge fiasco sometimes.
- A huge excitement other times.
- A newspaper.
- Like a wind that grows stronger every obstacle.
- The spark of a flint.
- Life.
BLAH. Some of them no meaning I know. The objects just caught my eye while I was typing it.
AaAAAaaaaaaAAh I think I'm losing it. No please don't ask me listen to Eminem.
Friday, July 21, 2006
01) What is ur phone type?: nokia 6170, clamshell.
02) What's the last 3 digits of your mobile number?: 168
03) What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?: "City link outside suntec "
04) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter m?: mel
05) Who's the last person you rang?: Chuan.
06) Who was your last missed call from?: Chuan.
07) Who's the 9th person who comes up under i?: No 'I's. So next person in line is J. Jesalyn.
08) What does the last message in your inbox say?: "Can come online? Val gt into accident." (Ya I know the msg is damn old)
09)Who's the 3rd person who comes up under F?: Florence
10) Go to your Sent Items ..what does the 5th msg say?: "He always has tuition. Too bad for him. Yes ask her to come also."
11) Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?: Sang Jin
12) What is your network provider?: M1
13) How many messages are currently in your inbox?: 67
14) What do you have as your background?: My Violin on Main, 4R on Mini.
15) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?: Rusydiana
16) Who do you have on speed dial 3?: Bro.
17) If you've got a prepaid card, how much credit do you have? - I dun have a prepaid card.
18) Who's the first person who comes up under C?: Caroline
19) How many bars of signal do you currently have?: 4
20) What do you have as your main ringtone?: Dunno my phone normally always silent.
Done. Haha too bad no Tagging this time. hahahahaha.
Ahhhh. Anyway, I just came back from TMPFVB, which stands for... Tallie's Master Plan For Val's Birthday(celebration). hahaha Forgot the C.
haha Yea it was quite a funny surprise thing cos Val was already expecting it, and the candles couldn't be lighted. Quite spastic. Tallie and me spent about 3 to 4 minutes trying to light the stupid candles. haha the merlion's spit was raining all over us and the wind was blowing.
Anyway, it came off quite well actually, though I thought Tallie's "oh val is that bag your's?" sounded quite fake. hahaha. And on the train back, it was packed and we were talking so loudly.
Hahah, I skipped training today. And I came back home earlier today. And I had to rush around to take the cake from Breadtalk and go to 7- eleven at citylink mall to buy a lighter. So sweaty when I reached the location, lucky got the merlion spit to cool me down. hahaha.
Yea it was a great day.... Quite.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Mum sent me a funny pic. This goes out to all JC and secondary school students. For your laughter and relaxation. Slack more and dun stress yourself out.

Tomorrow's Friday.
For once, it's not gonna be fun as before, yet there's something else exciting going on, which is TMPFVB.
I'll tell you once it's over tomorrow.
Have a good day tonight and a good night tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Here are some examples why.
-Runways are for putting shoes.
-Panadol is for curing asthma.
-Noodles are exploding.
-Farmers are breeding bowl-fishes.
-People are reading Ham&egg instead of Hamlet.
-Girls are crying when they comfort a friend.
-Black belts are getting cheaper.
-My chinese name is worth 15 bucks on a belt. WTH
-Training is getting boring.
-Teachers are learning.
-Jesalyn said she's slacking.
-I'm starting to use this emoticon ^_^ just for fun.
Right. Some of you reading might know what I mean by some and some might not know what I do not mean by some. Some of them are unbelievable to some of you but not to some of you. And yet most of you will know what most of them mean.
My Tagboard is a great place for references, if u need them.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
>Okay. Here is what you have to do
>1. Highlight the whole e-mail.
>2. Copy and paste into a new e-mail.
>3. Change all the answers so that they apply to you.
>4. Send this to a whole bunch of people you know including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about your friends. BE HONEST and have some fun today!
>It doesn't take long. So please please, please reply. Please?
>1. Starting Time: 12.15pm
>2. Full Name: Marcus Low Junxiang
>3. Best Friend(s): SO MANY. practically everyone lah.
>4.Sexiest Friend: Right.
>5. Funniest Friend(s): Chuan Jes and Mel.
>6. Smartest friends: Talz and Jes.
>7. Dumbest Person: Me. I'm the only one in my clique who went to poly. HAHAHAH.
>8. Shyest Friend: Shyest? erm...
>9. Most boring person: None.
>10. Who Do you get advice from: Closest Friends
>11. Height : 168 or TALLER. hahahahahaha. I'm short.
>12. Date of Birth: May 17, 1989
>13. Righty / Lefty : Righty in writing, Bothy in music. hahaha.
>15. Shoe Size : U want UK, American or Budget size? UK is 8, American is 15, Budget is "slightly big"
>16. Shoe Brand: erm. My only shoe right now that I'm using is reebok, but im fine with anything really.
>17. Do you Crack any Body Parts: my fingers, sometimes.
>19. Sibling(s): Elder bro and sis.
>20. Email Address(s):
>21. Boy Friend/Girl Friend: None. yet. hahahahahahahaah
>22. Crush: I crushed an Ice Lemon Tea can yesterday.
>23. Liked a Teacher: Nope.
>25. Hope the person you send this to would reply: Yeah I'm hoping, but really it's up to them.
>26. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: Nope, my braces would shatter.
>27. Ran Into a Glass Door: Hahahahah!!! Nope, but once smacked into a door, though it wasn't glass.
>29. Gone Skinny Dipping: Nope.
>30. Nearly hit by a car: Nearly yes lah. Kena hit never.
>31. Ran into a speeding car: what the...
>Guys Fill Out on girls
>47. G or hipster undies: Anything.
>48. Tall or Short: I don't think it matters much, unless she's like 2 metres tall or something.
>49. Long Hair or Short: Both are nice.
>50.Dark or Light Eyes: Both are nice too.
>51. Light/Dark Hair: It's her hair.
>52. Body or Personality: Personality. Definitely.
>53. Ears Pierced or Not: Well, not so much like those who have Holes with abit of flesh rather than Ears with a few holes.
>55. Good Girl/Bad Girl: Good. :D
>56.Hair Up or Down: erm. down? how do girls' hair stay UP anyway?
>57. Sporty or Classy: Sporty also can Classy also can! hahaha.
>58. Chicken or Not Afraid: Er. Horse can onot? hahahahaha. Internal joke.
>Which One is Better
>59. Coke or pepsi: Ice Lemon Tea
>60. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: KFC
>61. Cats or Dogs: Dogs,
>62. Coffee or Tea: Ice Lemon Tea! hahaha Tea lah.
>63. Eastside or westside: Erm, referring to what? I live in the East.....
>64. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate, though I can't take much now.
>65. Cake or Cookies: How about cookies on a cake.
>66. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: Whitestriped purple socks soaked in Lime juice.
>67. Sunset or Sunrise: Haven't seen both for real yet.
>68. Day or Night: Day, cos one day consists of sunlight and night time. hahah. best of both worlds.
>69. Lights on or off: On, though I can hardly sleep without it off.
>70. Summer or Winter: Winter. Definitely. It's too hot in Singapore.
>71. Food: Chao Fan from TMS canteen.
>73. Holiday destination: Anywhere. But Japan is nice.
>74. Radio Station: Symphony 92.4
>75. Place: TMS Band room or home. choose.
>In The Future
>76. Will you believe in God: I don't know.
>77. What you want to be when you grow up: A Musician/Composer. But most likely an architect or IR manager.
>78. Define Love: There's no definite way to define it.
>79. Satan or God or atheist: Anaesthetist.
>80. Do you love someone right now: Yes
>81. Do you care about someone: Yes
>82. Do you think of someone everyday: Yeah...
>83. Do you think someone is special in any way: Everyone is Special in their own way.
>84. Finishing time: 12.30pm
>85. Date: July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
It's Friday. And for once, there isn't training. No kicking ass. No Big Gulps. No Prata Dinners. No Bunny Hananas. No train ride home.
It feels weird.
But on the sane side, No wearing that blasted uncomfortable thing anymore. No extra washing for mum.
Hahaha. Just a little levity there.
Alright, it's gonna be another post about band, so those who know you aren't gonna like reading this or know you are gonna be bored out, stop HERE.
So. I went back to see the band today.
It's pathetic.
Where the bloody heck are the human beings? I saw dead people, arrogant people, people who love to laugh at their inability to play, people who kept smsing external friends in the face of the conductor, etc.
Nope, no fun playing, no correct playing, not even one count was perfect.
To all band members reading this, though this is more for the juniors, what do you want? Think!
Just what did you want when you picked band in ur CCA sheet?
Is it CCA points? Is it simply the experience of HOLDING an instrument? Or did you perhaps want friends? Or maybe you wanted to rise far up and be an overlord with a post? Did you want recognition?
Please, ask urself that.
Apart from that. The only other problem lies with the bloody teachers. Please la. You want another Gold with Honours? You're putting the amount of effort a COP band teacher-in-charge puts in. You say, Oh, there's O Level Oral going on. So cannot self-practice outside the Band Room right? OK FINE. Then what about opening the band room itself?!?! Your answer to that is still that there are the O Levels going on?!?!
Bloody teachers. I've had enough blogging for today.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Actually not very long lah, but seems so to me.
So, today I went to Toa Payoh sports hall to see the grading. Got there so happens they just started. hahahahaha. Saw Alene's pattern, damn good for her grade la, most likely double one. haha. Jes and Mel the pattern also good sia. Can't believe I was teaching these two blur girls the very steps just 2 months ago. hahaha.
So, after their grading was over, with all the cold sweat evaporating and all, the three of us and Charles went to Toa Payoh central to eat. Wah those two girls ah, very indecisive. Delifrance dun have that potato-thingy, then leave go Mac eat. hahaha wth. So anyway, we went to Mac eat and we were testing each other on those lame games which have no relevance to what they seem to be. Haha.
After that Charles had to leave to give tuition. hahaha so Jes Mel and me went to walk around Toa Payoh Central aimlessly. hahaha. In the end we decided to go PS watch movie. But went there saw no nice movie to watch. hahahaha Mel's fault. hahahaha. So we ended up in the ARCADE. haha Weird right? Hahah ended up playing Bishi-Bashi Champ. Obviously I won. I dun have fast hands for nothing. hahahahahahahahaha egoegoegoego.
Anyway, after that we went down to the basement and walkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalk until Jes foot cramped. Did quite alot of weird things before we finally decided to eat at Yoshinoya. hahaha.
Damnit, I eat the Yoshinoya in Singapore right, totally cannot compare with Japan one. That one really damn shiok, here one might as well tapao bring home heat up in microwave. Like KFC Banditto. hahahaha.
Anyway, after eating, and much talk, we went to Marina Bay Superbowl. Then WTH! No lane available... So put my name on the waiting list and that bowlfish dragged the both of us into the Arcade at the side to play more bashing-the-buttons games. Then Jes fingers became sore at that point.
Then we played Panic Park also like siao. The both of them keep pushing me to the edge even before the stage start. hahaha wth. And when the both of them play right, lucky the people around us were quite considerably far away, cos I think the Bowling Alley Snack Bar people also can hear. hahahaha.
So after that we went to check the lanes, and got one. Bowled until hand pain. hahahaha then we went out to take bus back to Marina Bay MRT, then FISH! The Bus just left. So what do we do? We went back to the arcade to play summore bashing games. hahaha. By that time I think Jes hands become like kiam chai liao whack so hard. Poor thing.
So, after yours truly won several more rounds of bashing, we finally caught a bus back to the MRT, then a train to Taka. Not the jewelry brand, the shopping mall. Went to delifrance there, see no potato, left again..... Finally ended up in KFC.
Hahaha so finally we sat down for damn long and eat talk eat talk. Then finally we took the train back home. Jes was so tired she slept for most of the journey. She's still up explaining maths to her friend as I'm typing this lor. So hardworking sia. I outside of school only work I do is stupid WRTORAL. And THAT'S really stupid kind of work.
Alright, that's the end of my sunday, 9th of july. hahaha good night everybody!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
what's the best nickname you've ever had? - None of my nicknames have ever been for something good, except maybe "marc" as chuan calls me. Now that's normal.
Do you think suicide is the best way? - No. Never.
Rate your social life from scale 1 - 10. - about 7.
are you in love with someone at the moment? - Now how about that, nice question.
are you missing someone at the moment? - Yes.
would you die for the one you love? - Yea most probably.
do you think love hurts? - Yes.
what's the best thing about love? - Being in it.
what's the worst thing about love? - Being out of it.
will you wait for someone you love? - Yep.
what song that best decribes your love life at the moment? - 1812 Overture, the Slow String Theme part.
do you wanna get married? - Doesn't everybody.
have you talked to the person you love for the past 24 hours? - Yes.
do you keep memories or try to forget them? - I can't help keeping them. hahah.
is love always on your side or the opposite way? - It's how you choose to see it.
are you sick of love? - Never
are you sick of question of love? - I'm the one shooting the questions. HAHAHA.
what are you going to do today-tomorrow? - Sleep, eat, go out?
what do you want so badly right now? - For my Violin tone and technique to improve at the rate I want it to.
do you think money is everything? - No.
what's the song that you last downloaded? - Morning Noon And Night in Vienna by the United States Air Force Band. I think they're better off playing Warbirds and Warriors. The version I have of the song is better. hahaha.
how much do you love music? - There are no words to describe it.
do you play an instrument? - Yes. I can play over 80. Triangle, Tambourine.....
have you written your own song? - Yes but it was horrible.
what movie did you last watch?mi3. - Just My Luck.
do you believe in love forever? - Yes, it's possible.
what's in your mind right now? - Thoughts.
what song is in your mind right now? - Festive Overture, By Dmitri Shostakovich. Band arrangement.
five people to do this quiz:
#5 - Chuan (up to you lah chuan. hahahahahaha)
#4 - Val (you better do this)
#3 - Florence (she never does my quizzes)
#2 - Jes (neither does she. haha no blog)
#1 - Mel (you better do this too)
Done. In case no one noticed. The tagging numbers were put in reverse for a very stupid reason. You can read my tagboard for more details.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I cleaned up my links and changed the archiving style. Those links which I never read or have become seriously stagnant are now gone, like Tallie's blog.
Have fun goggling at the new changes.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
#1 Do the following WITHOUT complaints
#2 Choose 5 people to do this after you completed
#3 Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged
#4 Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.
Colour: Blue, Cyan
Food: Chocolate, Japanese food?, erm... Basically if it's food and not bad I'll eat it all.
Movie: Action or comedy.
Day of the Week: Thursdays and Fridays
Season: Winter
Mood: Happy.
Taste: Salty Seaweed from korea.
Clothes: Home Clothes
Desktop Picture: 4R teacher's day picture.
Toenail Colour: Erm, the normal pinkish flesh colour lorh.
Surroundings: Furniture
Annoyances: My brother singing random nonsense
Best Friends: Everyone was a good friend. Chuan, Val, Em and Talz are the closest to my best friends.
Crush: hmmm..
Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Lie: Forgot. hahaha
Music: Surprisingly it was a classical song. Beethoven's 5th.
Cigarette: Never.
Drink: Water
Movie: Da Vinci Code.
Phonecall: Mel and her waterbottle.
Played: Spider solitaire.
Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Nope, but got ask for the date to write on the worksheet lah.
Broken The Law: Nope.
Been Arrested: no
Skinny Dipped: Nope
Been On TV : I climbed up there in my childhood days...
Kissed Someone You Don't Know : Nope.
Five Things You Are Wearing Right Now: Shirt, Underwear, Shorts, Headphones, erm....
Four Things You've Done Today: Chatted online, practiced my violin, smsed, hummed
Three Things You Hear Right Now: Fan, Keyboard keys, nothing else.
One Thing That You Do When You're Bored: I'm never bored.
#1 Chuan Li (again the least likely to do this, but he'll probably do it to prove me wrong.)
#2 Val
#3 Florence
#4 Jes
#5 Mel